Sunday, March 1, 2009


On Saturday, February 21, our congregation participated in a program called TeachWell. We're trying to help people become more comfortable teaching Bible class. (We need more teachers!!)
Joyce Bloomingburg taught the CradleRoll class. I taught the 3-5 year old class. Becky taught the K-3 group. Dwina and David Willis taught the 4-6 grade group. Other presenters taught the folks who were interested in teaching junior high through adults. Becky and I had decided not to bring much stuff, but as you can tell by the picture, I did not follow that decision. I'm always so afraid that I'll go blank, so the more "stuff" I can have, the better. Along those lines, I prepared a PowerPoint presentation - it had 209 slides!! I was able to cover them all and cover all the "stuff" I brought as well.
I thought the day was great! Justin showed a video of the elders singing children's songs and encouraging everyone to try to be a teacher. I hope we were able to encourage some more people to share in the joy of teaching. I have gained so much by being a teacher, and I wish more people would try and see the great things that will happen!!

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