Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Letter is .....P

After reading Becky's post on the letter R, I asked for a letter of my own. My letter is P...Here are my ten favorite P words:

1. Parents - Where would I be without my wonderful parents? My mom and dad are both very special to me. I only hope I can be a good parent like both of them are.

2. Prayer - What a very special privilege to be able to talk to God. Prayer is definitely an area that I need to improve upon. I'm working on making Prayer Charts for my four & five year olds in Bible class right now.

3. Peas, Potatoes, and Pickles - My granny could cook peas better than anyone I've ever known. Since she died in 2004, I haven't eaten any peas that come even close to hers. She also made "hot" pickles for us. My mom has just about perfected Granny's hot pickles with her own recipe. I love potatoes in any form - baked, fried, boiled, mashed, chips, French fries, etc...

4. Prince - I love Disney movies and how the girl in the story always gets her prince. I also love how wonderful the prince is and how he treats her. My prince Wayne is also wonderful to me. He's such a great husband, father, and Christian.

5. Priorities - When I was in elementary school, a Bible teacher taught us how to set priorities by using JOY. Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself Last. I still think about this simple lesson when setting my priorities, and I've tried to pass this life lesson on to my own children as well as the children I teach.

6. President - I'm not really big into politics, but I do think it is important for us to pray for our country's leaders. Even though I supported the Republican ticket, I still feel a duty to pray for our new president and his cabinet, the Congress, and all the changes our country is about to undergo (hopefully for the better.)

7. Pizza - especially the $4.99 large pizza special at Domino's.

8. Plants - My granny loved flowers and plants. She always rooted her geraniums, impatiens, and other flowers. She watched the signs and knew just the right time to plant the garden each spring. Both my mother and daddy love working with plants, so it seems like I've been around growing stuff all my life. I love flowers and other kinds of plants. It makes me feel close to those who are no longer around for me to spend time with.

9. Peter and Paul - These men are two of my favorite Bible characters. Peter is so much like many of us - he acted or spoke first and then thought about it. Paul sacrificed so much to tell others about Jesus. Another great Paul to an Alabama fan is Paul "Bear" Bryant. What a coach!

10. Pachyderm - My favorite one is Big Al!!


  1. I like your P words. I too love $4.99 large pizza's from Dominoes. Did you take advantage of those this past Saturday?? I like to order several and then freeze some pieces for us to eat on days when I don't feel like cooking or on Wednesday nights when things are a little rushed!!

  2. Love them! I was wondering how you would get Alabama in there!! We love the Dominoes pizza deal as well - can't beat it! Thanks for playing!

  3. Loved your list, Kim! Although I have never heard of the word "Pachyderm" before. I agree with Becky, though! I love the way we "weazeled" Alabama in our lists! We are true fans, don't cha think?

  4. Yeah, I think we're awesome fans. I'm already ready for Alabama football. I loved your list, too.
